Laurel & Hardy

Like many other blogs, a mixture of book reviews, links I found interesting, comments on the day's news.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Charleston Conference - Saturday morning

The day started with what they call the "Beastly Breakfast". At our table, we talked cooperative collection development.

After breakfast, Anthony Ferguson from the University of Hong Kong talked about the 10 ideas he will be taking from this conference. I'll have to mull on my own and post my list after I've thought about it a bit more.

Stephen Rhind-Tuft from Alexander Street Press spoke on Web 2.0 - What's in it for you, or as he changed his presentation title, "How I learned to stop worrying and love Web 2.0." One key point I took away from this session was the idea that users want to interact with information at all levels - the word, the phrase, the page, the chapter, the book, and the series.

David Warlock from Electronic Publishing Services, Ltd., spoke about STM in 2020, where he foresees scientific research being built on a foundation with a network of productivity and compliance, using electronic lab notebooks with links to everything they use in the research process.

Jane Burke from Serials Solution then spoke on Managing the Virtual Library and our need to align our priorities with reality, align out behaviors with reality, stop doing stuff that isn't appreciated, and hurry up.

The next session I attended was an update on last year's Janus Conference at Cornell and the 6 key challenges for collection development.

The last session was titled the "Chuck and Tony Show" with Chuck Hamacker and Anthony Ferguson. The focus on this session was on four issues:

  • We just don't get respect

  • Why we have lost it

  • What we still have to offer

  • What can we do to change the situation
  • (audience suggestions on what they are doing at their institutions)

Overall, a very good conference and several things that I will be thinking about and commenting on further after I've had a chance to think about them more.


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